Mike Oldfield:

Der Künstler:

Der Name Mike Oldfield ist in der Musikgeschichte untrennbar mit seinem Opus Magnum "Tubular Bells" von 1973 verbunden, welches ihn erst 19-jährig zum Weltstar machte. In spieltechnischer Hinsicht ist vor allem seine markante Gitarrenarbeit (auf seiner roten Fender) hervorzuheben....
Michael Gordon Oldfield selbst wurde am 15. Mai 1953 im britischen Reading geboren und bekam von seinem Daddy seine erste Gitarre geschenkt. Mit 10 komponierte er bereits Instrumentalstücke, in den lokalen Folkclubs konnte er erste Bühnenerfahrungen sammeln, die er in der Folkformation "Sallyangie" (eigentlich ein Duo, das er mit seiner Schwester Sally Oldfield gegründet hatte) umzusetzen wußte. In dieser Zusammenarbeit entstand ein erstes Album, namens "Children Of The Sun" (1968). Im Jahr darauf engagierte Kevin Ayers (Ex-Soft Machine - Bassist) Oldfield als Tournee-Bassisten für dessen neue Formation "Kevin Ayers and The Whole World", wo Mike auf den Keyboarder und Komponisten David Bedford traf, mit dem er sich alsbald anfreundete. Die Instrumentalbesetzung von The Whole World inspirierte das "orchestrale Denken" von Mike dermaßen, sodaß er ab 1971 damit begann, mit "rocksinfonischen" Kompositionen zu experimentieren. Hiezu präparierte er den Löschkopf auf einem geliehenen Kassettenrekorder so weit, daß Mehrspuraufnahmen möglich wurden! Er spielte zudem alle Instrumente selber ein (eine Eigenart, die später z.B. auch Stevie Wonder und Lenny Kravitz praktizieren sollten!).
Nachdem nun Oldfield solchermaßen neun Monate an einem Demoband gearbeitet hatte, legte er es 1973 dem gerade neugegründeten "Virgin"-Label vor, wo er mit seinem 50-minütigen Werk große Begeisterung hervorrief. In Folge nahm Oldfield das Material auf Tonband auf, wobei er rund 20 Instrumente spielte und ca. 2000 (!) Overdubs machte. Veröffentlicht wurde "Tubular Bells" am 25.5.1973, und die Kritiken auf beiden Seiten des Ozeans überschlugen sich förmlich; es schien fast, Mike Oldfield hätte mit seinem sinfonischen Werk ein neues Musikgenre geschaffen: eine rocksymphonische Komposition, dessen Hauptthema (das Piano-Motiv des Intro) in vielen Variationen darbot, ohne auf minimalistische Einflüsse anderer Genres zu verzichten. Ohne Zustimmung des Komponisten wurde gar ein kurzer Ausschnitt von Tubular Bells im Horrorstreifen "Der Exorzist" von William Friedkin verwendet.....
Oldfield tat sich mit dem plötzlichen Ruhm sichtlich schwer und zog sich so in sein Landhaus zurück, um in dem befindlichen Studio die LP "Hergest Ridge" aufzunehmen, die so wie schon sein "Tubular Bells" zuvor, Platz 1 in GB wurde. Ein Jahr später erschien "Ommadawn", das außereuropäische und irische Einflüsse zu verbinden wußte. Oldfield, ein eher introvertierter Mensch, scheute zu all dieser Zeit die Bühne, und wirkte gerade als Akkustik - Gitarrist auf einer Orchesterfassung von "Tubular Bells" (aufgenommen in der Royal Albert Hall) mit.
Ab Mitte/ Ende der 70er zeichnete sich eine erste Schaffenskrise Oldfields ab, die er mit einer Psychotherapie bewältigen konnte.1978 erschien schließlich das sehr ruhige und entspannte Album "Incantations", auf dem er zum ersten Mal seine sinfonischen Epen auch zu kleinen Popsongs komprimierte; eine Vorgehensweise, die er mit dem im darauffolgenden Jahr erschienenen LP "Platinum" weiter verfeinerte und verfolgte. Nun ging Oldfield auch erstmals mit einer eigenen Band auf Tournee, als Sängerin wurde Maggie Reilly verpflichtet, die mit dem von Oldfield komponierten Song "Moonlight Shadow" ihren ersten großen Hit haben sollte (neben dem Song "Foreign Affair", auf dem Oldfield-Album "Crises" zu finden!). "Discovery" von 1984 enthielt zudem den großen Hit "To France", mit dem Maggie Reilly und Mike Oldfield wieder großen Erfolg hatten. Diese Vorgehensweise schien erfolgreich zu schein, weswegen Oldfield während der gesamten 80er Jahre Alben veröffentlichte, die nach bekanntem Muster aufgebaut waren: die A-Seite bestand zumeist aus einem instrumentalen sinfonischen Werk (zu Oldfields und der alten Fans Freude), die B-Seite hingegen bediente den Mainstream mit eingängigen Popsongs. Zudem ging Oldfield seit seiner LP "Five Miles Out" auch davon ab, alle Instrumente selbst spielen zu wollen, und betätigte sich so als Bandleader, der auch die Ideen seiner Mitmusiker einfließen lies.
1990 veröffentlichte Oldfield mit "Amarok" wieder eine reine Instrumentalplatte, die in ihm den Gedanken reifen lies, seinen größten Wurf Tubular Bells mit modernen Mitteln nochmals neu aufzunehmen; so entstand zuerst 1992 "Tubular Bells II", und in späterer Folge 1998 "Tubular Bells III" und 2001 schließlich "The Millennium Bell". Mittlerweile schreiben wir das Jahr 2003, und noch immer läßt Mike Oldfield das Thema "Tubular Bells" nicht los: Es ist nun 30 Jahre her, daß dieses knapp 50-minütiges Instrumentalstück die Musikwelt verändern sollte. Zahlreiche Musiker im Pop-, Rock- und Instrumentalbereich wurden durch "Tubular Bells" inspiriert. Kein anderer Musiker prägte den Begriff "New Age" (heute "Ambient") so sehr, wie sein Erfinder Mike Oldfield. Mit "Tubular Bells" strickte Mike Oldfield einen Klangteppich, der die aktuelle Ambient-, Chillout- und Trance-Music wesentlich beeinflusst. Nun sieht sich Mike Oldfield genötigt die ursprüngliche Version aus dem Jahre 1973 erneut zu veröffentlichen - komplett neu aufgenommen, mit den technischen Möglichkleiten unserer heutigen Zeit. Das Lable WEA verspricht einen noch satteren und klangvolleren Sound als im Orginal; erschienen ist "Tubular Bells 2003" schließlich Ende Mai.....
Wichtig zu erwähnen wären hier noch das Album "Songs Of Distant Earth", ein Versuch, das gleichnamige Buch vom bekannten SciFi-Autor Arthur C. Clarke zu vertonen, und der von Mike (zum größten Teil) komponierte Soundtrack zum Film "The Killing Fields".
Mike Oldfield war übrigens während der 80er Jahre einige Jahre mit Anita Hegerland verheiratet. Was, der Name sagt Euch nichts ?! Nun, die Norwegerin hatte ihren größten Hit wohl als "Klein-Anita", die gemeinsam mit Roy Black "Schön ist es auf der Welt zu sein" trällerte. Zusätzlich ist sie als Gastsängerin auf Mike Oldfields Album "Earth Moving" zu finden; hier intoniert sie mit Madonna-gleichen Vocals den 1989er Hit "Innocent"....

[Alben (Mike Oldfield & related), Singles (Official & Promos), EPs, Bootlegs]:
(Compiled by Andreas Georg Hilzensauer - LAST UPDATE: 5. MAI 2024):


Strangers/ Lady Mary/ Children of the Sun/ A Lover for all Seasons/ River Song/ Banquet on the Water/ Balloons/ Midsummer Night's Happening/ Love in Ice Crystals/ Changing Colours/ Chameleon/ Milk Bottle/ The Murder of the Children of San Francisco/ Twilight/ Song of the Healer/ Stranglers.

TWO SHIPS (Single) (Sallyangie):
Two Ships / Colours Of The World.

TUBULAR BELLS (LP, MC°°, CD, Dutch "SACD Hybrid - "Remastered Multichannel Version" bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | CDVR2001) (°° Virgin Records Ltd. | 54 885 GT):

Tubular Bells (Part 1) // Tubular Bells (Part 2 - including "Sailor's Hornpipe").

HERGEST RIDGE (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD2) [=> Singleauskoppelung: Extracts from Hergest Ridge]:

Hergest Ridge (Par 1)/ Hergest Ridge (Part 2).

# Tubular Bells (04:33) (Extract form Part Two - Remix)/ Froggy Went A-Courting (04:27) [trad. arranged by Mike Oldfield].
# Theme From The Exorcist/ Tubular Bells [Viv's instrument introductions] (7'' Single; NZ).

THE ORCHESTRAL TUBULAR BELLS (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD3) (= orchestrierte Fassung mit Mike Oldfield auf akust. Gitarre) (2001 wiederveröffentlicht als "Digital remastered" HDCD) [=> Singleauskoppelung: Extracts from Orchestral Tubular Bells]:

The Orchestral Tubular Bells (Part 1)/ The Orchestral Tubular Bells (Part 2).


Orchestral Hergest Ridge (Part one)/ Orchestral Hergest Ridge (Part two) //  Orchestral Tubular Bells (Extract from part two).

OMMADAWN (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD4):

Ommadawn (Part 1)/ Ommadawn (Part 2)// Hidden Track: On [A] Horseback [m: Mike Oldfield / l: Murray] (3:23).

# Don Alfonso (04:13) [Cover Version]/ In Dulci Jubilo (For Maureen) (2:49) [Cover Version; = 1st Recording Version!!].
# Don Alfonso (German Version) [Cover Version]/ In Dulci Jubilo (For Maureen) (2:49) [Cover Version; = 1st Recording Version!!].
# Theme from Ommadawn/ On Horseback [m: Mike Oldfield / l: Murray] (3:23).
# Don Alfonso (Long Version) (Promo).
In Dulci Jubilo (2:49) [Cover Version]/ On Horseback [m: Mike Oldfield / l: Murray] (3:23).

Portsmouth (2:00)/ Speak (Tho' You Only Say Farewell) (2:56) [Cover Version] (UK-Single).
Portsmouth (2:00)/ Argiers.

BOXED (4 LP - Box mit remasterten/ remixten Versionen vom "Tubular Bells" - Album, "Hergest Ridge", "Ommadawn" & Special - LP "Collaborations" bzw. "Digital remasterd Re-Release CD°) (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | CDBOX1):

Tubular Bells I (Part 1 & 2)/ The Rio Grande/ Portsmouth (2:00)/ In Dulci Jubilo (2:49)/ Hergest Ridge (Part 1 & 2)/ Extract from "Star's End"/ Argiers/ Speak (Tho' You Only Say Farewell)[Cover Version]/ Ommadawn (Part 1 & 2)/ The Phaeacian Games/ First Excursion.

William Tell Overture (03:55) [Cover Version]/ Argiers (03:59).
# William Tell Overture/ First Excursion.
# William Tell Overture/ Portsmouth (2:00).
# El Exorcista (Fifth Movement Of Tubular Bells) / Don Alfonso.
# Cuckoo Song (03:13) [Cover Version]/ Pipe Tune (03:27).

=> feat. Mike Oldfield

INCANTATIONS (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD5):

Incantations (Part 1)/ Incantations (Part 2)/ Incantations (Part 3)/ Incantations (Part 4).

EXPOSED (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD6) (Live - Aufnahme) (1995 als CD wiederveröffentlicht):

CD1: Incantations (Part 1 & 2)/ Incantations (Part 3 & 4)// CD2: Tubular Bells (Part 1 & 2)/ Guilty.

[=> Recorded live in Spain, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and England during March and April 1979]

Guilty (Live) / Extract From Tubular Bells (Live).
Guilty (Live) / The Sailor's Hornpipe (Live).]

TAKE FOUR:Portsmouth (2:00)/ In Dulci Jubilo (2:49) [Cover Version]/ Wrekorder Wrondo (02:31) [Cover Version]/ The Sailor's Hornpipe (1:31) [12'' Single].

PLATINUM (LP°°°, German MC°°, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD7) (°° Virgin Records Ltd. / Vertrieb: Ariola | 401 206 / 401 206-352) (°°° Virgin Records Ltd. | 201 206-320):

Platinum [Part 1 (Airborne)/ Part 2 (Platinum)/ Part 3 (Charleston)/ Part 4 North Star - Finale)] // Woodhenge/ Into Wonderland/ Punkadiddle/ I Got Rhythm [Cover Version].
(Singleauskoppelung: North Star-Platinum Finale // Into Wonderland. (7" Single))

IMPRESSIONS (2 LP-Compilation; Frankreich):

Tubular Bells Live (Part 1)/ Ommadawn (Part 1)/ Airborne/ Platinum/ Charleston/ Punkadiddle/ I Got Rhythm [Cover Version]/ Guilty/ Pipe Tune/ In Dulci Jubilo (2:49)/ Wreckorder Wrondo/ Cuckoo Song/ On Horseback [m: Mike Oldfield / l: Murray] (3:23)/ Portsmouth (2:00)/ Sailor's Hornpipe.

# Guilty (04:04)/  Incantations (including "Hymn to Diana") (04:10) (= Excerpt from Part 4).
# Guilty/ Excerpts From Incantations.
# Alright Now / ??.
# Guilty (Long version; 06:44)/ Guilty (04:04)[12'' Single].
Blue Peter - Drums & Fife - Barnacle Bill (2:07)/ Woodhenge (04:05).
# Blue Peter (with re-fined ending)/ Woodhenge.

QE2 (LP, German "Club Edition" MC°°, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD8) (°° Virgin Records Ltd. | 35 785 5):

Taurus 1 Qee/ Sheba/ Conflict/ Arrival [ABBA - Cover Version] // Wonderful Land [Cover Version]/ Mirage/ Q.E. 2/ Q.E. 2 (Finale)/ Celt/ Molly.

Arrival (2:46) [ABBA - Cover Version]/ Polka (Live on European tour 1980).
#Arrival [ABBA - Cover Version]/ Celt.
#Arrival [ABBA - Cover Version]/ Wonderful Land [Cover Version].
#Sheba (3:33)/ Wonderful Land (Edit) [Cover Version].]

AIRBORNE (2 LP - Compilation; USA - 2000 als Bootleg-CD wiederaufgelegt):

"Platinum" - Studio-Album: Platinum Part One: Airborne/ Platinum Part Two: Platinum/ Platinum Part Three: Charleston/ Platinum Part Four: North Star - Platinum Finale // Guilty/ Into Wonderland/ Punkadiddle/ I Got Rhythm [Cover Version] // Live in Birmingham, May 6th, 1979: Tubular Bells (Part 1) (live) // Incantations ("Studio & Live" - Mix).

In Concert 80: Extract From Tubular Bells (Live) / Blue Peter // Guilty (Live)/ Punkadiddle.

Taurus/ Sheba/ Mirage/ Platinum/ Tubular Bells (Part II)/ Conflict/ Ommadawn (Part I)/ Punkadiddle.

PLATINUM BELLS (Vienna, May, 28th 1980) (2CD-Bootleg):
Platinum (Live)/ Punkadiddle (Live)/ I Got Rhythm (Live) [Cover Version]/ Band Introduction (Live)/ Irish True-Radetzky Marsch (Live)/ Ommadawn (Part 1) (Live)/ Incantations (Parts I, III, IV) (Live)/ Tubular Bells (Part II incl. Sailor's Hornpipe) (Live)/ Guilty-Tubular Bells Ending (Live)/ Tubular Bells (Part I) (Live)/ Blue Peter-Portsmouth (Live)/ Punkadiddle (Live).

Don Alfonso (Long Version)/ Marillion: I Know What I Like (Live)/ Tom Newman: Dance Of The Daonhe Sidhe/ Sally (I'm Just A Gorilla)/ Punkadiddle/ Passed You By/ Don Alfonso (German Version)/ Tubular Bells (Demo-Bits)/ Polka-Radetzky Marsch (Live)/ Fanny Planxty Power/ Alright Now/ Royal Wedding Anthem (Live)/ Pastosi/ Ommadawn (12 Bar Blues) / Tubular Bells (Demo)/ Auld Lang Syne.

FIVE MILES OUT (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD9):

Taurus II/ Family Man (Gesang: Maggie Reilly)/ Orabidoo (Gesang: Maggie Reilly)/ Mount Teide/ Five Miles Out (Gesang: Mike Oldfield & Maggie Reilly).

Five Miles Out (04:19)/ Punkadiddle (Live on European Tour 1980).
Five Miles Out/ Mount Teide.
Family Man (stereo)/ Family Man (mono) (Promo)
Family Man/ Punkadiddle (Live on European Tour 1980).
Family Man (03:45)/ Mount Teide (04:10).]

EPISODES (Compilation; Frankreich):

Ommadawn (extrait)/ Tubular Bells (extrait)/ Incantations (extrait 1)/ Incantations (extrait 2)/ Hergest Ridge (extrait)/ Platinum: Airborne/ Platinum: Punkadiddle/ QE2: Sheba/ QE2: Arrival/ QE2: Celt/ Portsmouth (2:00).

THE CONSEQUENCES OF INDECISIONS (Sallyangie => Mike & Sally Oldfield) (LP):

The Sighted Light/ Hands Calming the Water/ Mathematical Air Display/The Consequences of Indecisions [Part One: Time Heals all Wounds & Part Two: Comfort with a Stranger] / False Start.

Mistake (02:55) / Waldberg (The Peak) (03:24).
# "The Mike Oldfield EP": Mistake (Album Version)/ (Waldberg) The Peak (Album Version) // Family Man (Album Version)/ Mount Teide (Album Version) (German 7"Vinyl Tour - Single - weißes Artwork) (Virgin Records Ltd. | 104 678-100).
# Mistake/ Rite Of Man (2:21).

CLIMBING OUT (Live in New Jersey) (Bootleg):
CD1: Platinum/ Sheba/ Mirage/ Tubular Bells (Part II)/ Taurus II // CD2: Ommadawn (Part I)/ Tubular Bells (Part I)/ Mount Teidi/ Orabidoo.

JUST ONE NIGHT bzw. PLATINUM (Live in Tokyo at Shibuya-Kokaido - 26. Mai 1982) (Bootleg):
CD1: [Airborne]/ Platinum/ Conflict/ Sheba/ Mirage/ Tubular Bells (Part Two)/ Taurus II // CD2: Ommadawn (Part One)/ Tubular Bells (Part One)/ Mount Teidi/ Orabidoo.

CRISES (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD10):

Moonlight Shadow (Gesang: Maggie Reilly; 3:37)/ Foreign Affair (Gesang: Maggie Reilly; 3:53)/ Crises (Gesang: Mike Oldfield; 20:39)/ In High Places (Gesang: Jon Anderson; 3:32)/ Taurus 3 (2:25)/ Shadow On The Wall (Gesang: Roger Chapman; 3:08).

Shadow On The Wall (Album Version; 3:07)/ Taurus 3 (Album Version; 2:25) (7‘‘ - Single) (Virgin Records Ltd. | 105 780-100).
Shadow On The Wall (Extended Version; 5:09)/ Taurus 3 (12‘‘ - Single).
Shadow On The Wall / In High Places.
#In High Places/ Poison Arrows.
#Foreign Affair/ Crises.
Moonlight Shadow/ In High Places // Shadow On The Wall/ Foreign Affair (Amiga DDR).
Moonlight Shadow (3:38)/ Rite Of Man (2:21).
Moonlight Shadow (Extended Version; 5:18)/ Rite Of Man (02:21) (12'' - Single) (Virgin Records Ltd. | 600 928-213).
Moonlight/ ?? (Maxi-CD => 1993 aufgelegt)]

# Crime Of Passion (3:37) (Gesang: Barry Palmer)/ Jungle Gardenia (2:45).
# Crime Of Passion (12" Version; 4:08) (Gesang: Barry Palmer)/ Jungle Gardenia (2:45) (12" Single) (Virgin Records Ltd. | 601 133 / Germany: -213 / France: AE 180).

MIKE OLDFIELD: FALLING, FALLING (Palais des Sports Clemont-Ferrand France - June 2,1983) (Bootleg):

MIKE OLDFIELD: TUBULAR BELLS 10th ANNIVERSARY CONCERT (Wembley Arena, London - June 22,1983) (Bootleg):

DISCOVERY (LP, CD bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - HDCD°) (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD11 / 7243 8 49381 2 3):

To France (Gesang: Maggie Reilly) (4:37)^/ Poison Arrows (Gesang: Barry Palmer) (3:59)^/ Crystal Gazing (Gesang: Maggie Reilly) (3:03)/ Tricks Of The Light (Gesang: Barry Palmer & Maggie Reilly) (3:53)/ Discovery (Gesang: Barry Palmer) (4:33)/ Talk About Your Life (Gesang: Maggie Reilly) (4:23)/ Saved By A Bell (Gesang: Barry Palmer) (4:37)/ The Lake (instrumental) (12:05)

[^ => Crossfading zwischen den beiden Tracks!!].

To France (Album Version; 4:37)/ Legend (7‘‘ - Single).
To France (Album Version; 4:37)/ In The Pool (3:40).
To France (Extended Version; 5:32)/ In The Pool (3:40)/ Bones (3:19) (12'' Single).
Discovery (Album Version; 4:33)/ Tricks Of The Light (Album Version; 3:53) (12'' Single).
Tricks Of The Light (Album Version; 3:53)/ Afghan (2:45).
Tricks Of The Light (Album Version; 3:53)/ Afghan (2:45)/ Tricks Of The Light (Instrumental Version) (12'' Single).]

# Pictures In The Dark / Legend.
# Pictures In The Dark (Long Version) // Legend/ The Trap (12'' Single).
# Shine (with Jon Anderson)/ The Path (with Jon Anderson) (3:29) [=> from the documentary "Reflections", welche noch WEITERE Musik von Mike enthält!!].
# Shine (with Jon Anderson) (Extended Version; 5:08)/ The Path (with Jon Anderson) (3:29) (12'' Single) (Virgin Records Ltd. | 608 134-213).

THE KILLING FIELDS (O.S.T.) (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD°) (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD12):

Mike Oldfield (all songs composed by Mike; tw. vom Orchester performed): Pran's Theme/ Requiem For A City/ Evacuation/ Pran`s Theme 2/ Capture/ Execution/ Bad News/ Pran`s Departure/ Worksite/ Blood Sucking/ Pran`s Escape - The Killing Fields/ The Trek/ The Boy's Burial - Pran Sees the Red Cross/ Good News/ Etude [Cover Version; written by Francesco Tárrega, arranged by Mike Oldfield] // David Bedford (written by Bedford, performed by the orchestra): TheYear Zero/ The Year Zero 2.

Étude (3:07- Single Edit Version) [Cover Version]/ Evacuation (4:11 - Single Edit Version)
Étude (4:38) [Cover Version] // Evacuation (5:13) (12'' Single).]

MIKE OLDFIELD: CLOSED DOORS (Rotterdam,The Netherlands - November 1,1984) (Bootleg):

MIKE OLDFIELD: CLOSED DOORS II (Stadion San Andres, Barcelona, Spain - August 25,1984) (Bootleg):

THE COMPLETE MIKE OLDFIELD (= Anthologie als Doppel - Kassette, Doppel - CD, Digital Remastered Re-Release - CD° oder Doppel - LP) (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | CDMOC1):

The Instrumental Side: Arrival [Cover Version]/ William Tell Overture [Cover Version]/ Cuckoo Song/ Jungle Gardenia (2:45)/ Guilty/ Drums & Fife - Barnacle Bill (2:07)/ Waldberg (The Peak)/ Wonderful Land [Cover Version]/ Etude (from The Killing Fields) (Single [Edit] Version) [Cover Version] // The Vocal Side: Moonlight Shadow (Gesang: Maggie Reilly)/ Family Man (Gesang: Maggie Reilly)/ Mistake/ Five Miles Out (Gesang: M. Oldfield & Maggie Reilly)/ Crime Of Passion (Gesang: Barry Palmer) (3:37)/ To France (Gesang: Maggie Reilly)/ Shadow On The Wall [5:08! - Extended Version (= 12'' Version)] (Gesang: Roger Chapman)/ The Complex Side: Ommadawn (Excerpt)/ Tubular Bells (Excerpt)/ Hergest Ridge (Excerpt)/ Incantations (Excerpt)/ Evacuation (from The Killing Fields) // The Live Side: Sheba/ Mirage/ Platinum (interpolating North Star [Cover Version])/ Mount Teide.

MUSIC WONDERLAND - MIKE OLDFIELD'S WONDERFUL MUSIC (Compilation) (CD) (Virgin Records | 0777 7 86943 2 8):

Arrival (Album Version; 2:46) [ABBA - Cover Version]°/ Portsmouth (2:00)^/ Sheba (Album Version; 3:32)°/ Blue Peter - Drums & Fife - Barnacle Bill (2:07)/ Extract from "Tubular Bells" (8:31)^ ^^/ Sailor´s Hornpipe (1:33)^/ Punkadiddle (Album Version; 4:57)°°^/ Wonderful Land (Album Version; 3:37) [Cover Version]°/ In Dulci Jubilo (2:49) [Cover Version]/ Extract from "Ommadawn" (7:04)/ On [A] Horseback [m: Mike Oldfield / l: Murray] (Album Version; 3:23)°°°°/ Guilty (interpolating "Tubular Bells") (Live) (3:39)°°°/ North Star - Platinum Finale [Philip Glass - Cover Version] (Album Version; 4:44)°°^

[=> ° vom Album "Q.E.2" || °° vom Album "Platinum" || °°° vom Album "Exposed" || °°°° vom Album "Ommadawn" || ^^ = Schluß von "Tubular Bells (Part 1)"!! || ^ FALSCHE Zeitangaben auf der CD & am BackCover!!].

In Dulci Jubilo (2:49) [Cover Version]/ On [A] Horseback [m: Mike Oldfield / l: Murray] (3:23) (7'' - Single; Holland)]


Magic Touch (vocals: Max Bacon)/ Magic Touch (Edit) (vocals: Max Bacon)/ Tubular Bells (Edit)/ Family Man/ Flying Start/ Moonlight Shadow/ Shadow On The Wall (12" Version)/ Five Miles Out/ Etude/ Jungle Gardenia/ North Point.

ISLANDS (CD*, bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD°, MC** oder LP***) (° erschienen am ??.??.2000) (* Virgin Records Ltd. | 258 650-222) (** Virgin Records Ltd. | 408 650 / 408 650-630) (*** Virgin Records Ltd. | 208 650-630) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD13):

The Wind Chimes [Part 1 (2:30) & Part 2 (19:18)] // Islands (Gesang: Bonnie Tyler) (4:20)/ Flying Start (Gesang: Kevin Ayers) (3:37)/ North Point (Gesang: Anita Hegerland) (3:33)/ Magic Touch (Gesang: Jim Price) (4:14)/ The Time Has Come (Gesang: Anita Hegerland) (3:55).

Islands (Album Version) // The Wind Chimes (Part 1) (2:30) (German 2-Track-  7'' Single; "Jukebox Edtion" in full colour paper P/S E-/E-).
Magic Touch (stereo) // Magic Touch (mono) (Promo) (7" Single).
Magic Touch (Album Version) // Music For The Video Wall (7" Single).
The Time Has Come (Album Version) // North Point (Album Version) (7" Single).
The Wind Chimes (Part 2)/ North Point/ The Wind Chimes (Part 2) (12'' Single).
Islands (12" Mix; 5:36) // When The Nights [hic!] On Fire (Gesang: Anita Hegerland) (6:42)/ The Wind Chimes (Part 1) (2:30) (12'' Single) (Virgin Records Lt. | 609 351-213).
Islands (Album Version) // When The Nights [hic!] On Fire (Gesang: Anita Hegerland) (6:42) (7" Single).
The Time Has Come (US Album Version) // The Time Has Come (UK Album Version)/ Final Extract From The Wind Chimes (12'' Single).
The Time Has Come (Extended Version; 4:25) // The Time Has Come (Album Version)/ North Point (12'' Single).
Flying Start (12" Version) [= LP Version + New Intro; 4:50] // The Wind Chimes (Part 2) (Edit) (12'' Single).
Magic Touch // Music For The Video Wall/ Magic Touch (Original Mix) [Remixed; 4:13)] (12'' Single).
Magic Touch (Album Version) // North Point (Album Version) (7" Single).
Magic Touch (Long Version) [Gesang: Max Bacon!!] // Magic Touch (Edit) [Gesang: Max Bacon!!] (12'' Single).
Flying Start (Album Version) // The Wind Chimes (Part 2 Edit) (7" Single).
Magic Touch (Album Version) // The Wind Chimes (Part 1) (2:30) (7" Single).
The Time Has Come (Album Version) // Final Extract From "The Wind Chimes" (7" Single).]

EARTH MOVING (LP, CD  bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD14) (1997 als CD wiederaufgelegt):

Holy (Gesang: Adrian Belew)/ Hostage (Gesang: Max Bacon)/ Far Country (Gesang: Mark Williamson)/ Innocent (Gesang: Anita Hegerland)/ Runaway Son (Gesang: Chris Thompson)/ See The Light (Gesang: Chris Thompson)/ Earth Moving (Gesang: Nikki Bentley)/ Blue Night (Gesang: Maggie Reilly)/ Nothing But & Bridge To Paradise (Gesang: Carol Kenyon & Max Bacon).

# Innocent (12" Mix by Bob Kraushaar) (5:29)/ Innocent (7'' Version) (3:22)/ Earth Moving (Club Version) (12‘‘ - Single).
# Earth Moving (Disco Mix) (3:59) // Earth Moving (7'' Version)/ Bridge To Paradise (12'' Single).
Innocent (7" Version) 3.22)/ Innocent (12" Mix by Bob Kraushaar) (5.29)/ Earth Moving (Disco Version) (3:59) (German Maxi-CD im SlimCase) (Virgin Records Ltd. | )662 383-211).
# Blue Night (stereo)/ Blue Night (mono) (Promo).
# Hostage (Album Version) (Promo).
# Nothing But (stereo)/ Nothing But (mono) (Promo).
# (One Glance Is) Holy (stereo & mono) (Promo).
# (One Glance Is) Holy: Single Edit & Single Remix (7'' Single).
One Glance Is Holy: "Hard & Holy Mix"/ "Holy Groove Instrumental"/ Single Edit/ Single Remix (12'' Single bzw. German 4 Track - Maxi-CD).
# Innocent/ Earth Moving.
# Earth Moving/ Bridge To Paradise.]

AMAROK (LP, CD,  "Australian Gold Disc Issue"-CD bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD15):


AMAROK SAMPLER (German Only 5 Track Album Sampler In Full Picture Sleeve):

1. Ausschnitt (3.09)/ 2. Ausschnitt (3.22)/ 3. Ausschnitt (9.30)/ 4. Ausschnitt (1.53)/ 5. Ausschnitt (2.29).

AMAROK X-TRAK ("Insight Exclusive") (UK- 3 Track Promo Only Sampler - 3" CD; Released with front inlay only):

Excerpt 1 (3.09)/ Excerpt 2 (4:16)/ Excerpt 3 (5.45).

HEAVEN`S GATE (LP, CD bzw. "Digital remastered" - Re-Release - CD° (° erschienen am ??.??. 2000) (° Virgin Records Ltd. | MIKECD16) (1996 als "Heaven´s Open" wiederveröffentlicht! - Gesang: alle Songs: Mike Oldfield):

Make Make/ No Dream/ Mr. Shame/ Gimme Back/ Heaven´s Open/ Music For The Balcony.

# Heaven's Open / Excerpt I From Amarok (Promo).
Heaven's Open (12'' Mix) / Excerpt I From Amarok // Heaven's Open (Album Version) / Excerpt V From Amarok (12'' Single bzw. German 4 Track 5inch CD).
# Heaven's Open/ ?? (Maxi-CD).
# Gimme Back (Album Version) // Excerpt II From Amarok / Excerpt III From Amarok (12'' Single).
# Gimme Back (Album Version) / Excerpt II From Amarok (Promo).
# Gimme Back/ ?? (Maxi-CD).]

TUBULAR BELLS II (CD°) (erschienen am 31. August 1992*) (° Warner Music UK Ltd. / WEA / Oldfield Music Overseas Ltd. | xx):

Sentinel (8:08)**/ Dark Star (2:16)/ Clear Light (5:48)**/ Blue Saloon (2:59)**/ Sunjammer (2:33)**/ Red Dawn (1:50)**/ The Bell (6:56)**/ Weightless (5:43)/ The Great Plain (4:48)**/ Sunset Door (2:24)**/ Tatoo (4:15)**/ Altered State (5:12)/ Maya Gold (4:01)**/ Moonshine (1:40)**

[* => das Copyright wird am BackCover mit 1992, in den LinerNotes aber mit 1993 angegeben!! || => Crossfading zwischen den Cuts 1-7 & 8-13!! || ** FALSCHE Zeitangabe auf der CD!!]

Mike Oldfield vs The Orb - Sentinel (Total Overhaul): Sentinel (Nobel Prize Mix) // Sentinel (Orbular Bells)/ Sentinel 7" Mix (12'' Single bzw. UK 3 Track Remix Maxi-CD im Jewel Case).
# Sentinel: Satoshi Tomii Interpretation / Global Lust Mix // Trance Mix / Tubular Beats (12'' Single).
# Sentinel Restructure (Trance Mix) / Sentinel Restructure (Tubular Beats) / The Bell (Edit) // Sentinel Restructure (Satoshi Tomii Interpretation) / Sentinel Restructure (Global Lust Mix) (12'' Promo).
# The Bell (MC Viv Stanshall)/ Sentinel Restructure (Trance mix) [Tommy Musto]/ Sentinel Restructure (Global lust mix) [Mark Lewis]/ Sentinel Restructure (Satoshi Tomii Interpretation) [CD1] (Maxi-CD).
# The Bell (live - MC John Gordon Sinclair)/ The Bell (MC Billy Connolly)/ The Bell (MC Otto - German version [Mike Oldfield])/ The Bell (MC Strolling Player [Alan Rickman])/ The Bell (Instrumental) [CD2] (Maxi-CD).
# The Bell (MC Viv Stanshall)/ The Bell (MC Otto - English version)/ The Bell (MC Otto - German Version) (Maxi-CD).
# A Shot Of Moonshine: A Shot Of Moonshine (Jungle Mix Featuring Rankin' Sean & Peter Lee) / A Shot Of Moonshine (Jungle Instrumental) // A Shot Of Moonshine (Solution Hoedown Mix) (12'' Promo).
# The Bell/ Sentinel Restructure.
# Sentinel/ Sentinel (Early Stages).
# Tattoo/ Maya Gold/ Moonshine/ Reprise [=>"Live At Edinburgh Castle EP"] (Maxi-CD).
Sentinel (Single Restructure; 3:56)/ Sentinel (The ORB 7" Mix; 4:04)/ Sentinel (Early Stages = Demo Version; 4:08) (European Maxi-CD) (Warner Music UK Ltd. / Oldfield Music Overseas Ltd. | 4509-91019-2 / YZ 698CD / FRANCE WE 739).
# Tatoo (Edit)/ Sentinel (Live)/ Silent Night (Maxi-CD).
# Tattoo/ Silent Night (7" - Single).]

Part I / Part II/ Part III/ Part IV/ Part V/ Part I (Revisited)/ Part V (Revisited)/ Part II (Revisited).

TUBULAR BELLS II -  Live at Edinburgh Castle (Bootleg) [=> = Edinburgh - Konzert (siehe: DVD), aber in einem anderen Mix - The 'bells' are real, not sampled]:
Stage 1: Sentinel/ Dark Star/ Clear Light/ Blue Saloon/ Sunjammer/ Red Dawn/ The Bell // Stage 2: Weightless/ The Great Plain/ Sunset Door/ Tattoo/ Altered State/ Maya Gold/ Moonshine.

ELEMENTS - THE BEST OF... (Compilation; = "Kurzfasssung" der 4er CD-Box) (Virgin Records Ltd. | VTCD18):

Tubular Bells (Excerpt)/ Family Man/ Moonlight Shadow/ Heaven´s Open/ Five Miles Out/ To France/ Foreign Affair/ In Dulci Jubilo/ Shadow On The Wall/ Islands/ Etude/ Sentinel (v. Tubular Bells II)/ Ommadawn (Excerpt)/ Incantations (Excerpt from Part 4)/ Amarok (Excerpt)/ Portsmouth.

ELEMENTS (4er CD - Box) (Virgin Records Ltd. | CDBOX2):

Tubular Bells (part 1)/ Tubular Bells (part 2)/ Hergest Ridge/ In dulci jubilo/ Portsmouth/ Vivaldi/ Ommadawn (part 1)/ On Horseback/ William Tell Overture/ Argiers/ First Excursion/ Sailor's hornpipe/ Incantations (part 2)/ [I'm] Guilty/ The Path/ Blue Peter/ Woodhenge/ Punkadiddle/ Polka (live)/ Platinum 3 & 4/ Arrival/ Taurus/ QE 2/ Wonderful Land/ Sheba/ Five Miles Out/ Taurus II/ Family Man/ Mount Teidi/ Waldberg (The Peak)/ Crises/ Moonlight Shadow/ Foreign Affair/ Shadow on the Wall/ Taurus III/ Crime of Passion/ Jungle Gardenia/ To France/ Afghan/ Tricks of the Light (Instrumental version!!)/ Etude/ Evacuation/ Legend [= B-Side v. "To France"]/ Islands/ The Wind Chimes (part 1)/ Flying Start/ Magic Touch/ Earth Moving/ Far Country/ Holy/ Amarok/ Heaven's Open.

SPACE MUSIC - LIVE USA '92 (Bootleg Live Album)
Sentinel/ Dark Star/ Clear Light/ Blue Saloon/ Sunjammer/ Red Dawn/ The Bell/ Weightless/ The Great Plain/ Sunset Door/ Tatoo/ Altered State/ Maja Gold/ Moonshine.

THE SORCERER (Bootleg Compilation):

Tubular Bells II Stage I (Live)/ Tubular Bells II Stage II (Live)/ Tubular Bells (Demo)/ Dance of the Daonhe Sidhe (with Tom Newman)/ Passed You By (with Phil Beer)/ Royal Wedding Anthem (Live).

TUBULAR BELLS II - LIVE '93 (Bootleg Live Album):

The Tubular Bells II/ The Tubular Bells Encore/ The Sailor's Hornpipe.

The Tubular Bells II/ Medley: Tubular Bells I (Part Two, Edit)/ Orabidoo/ The Bell (Live).

TUBULAR BELLS LIVE '73 bzw. TUBULAR BELLS LIVE PREMIER (Live from Queen Elizabeth Hall - June 25, 1973) (Bootleg Live Album):

The Tubular Bells (Part 1)/ The Tubular Bells (Part 2)/ The Sailor's Hornpipe// Bonus-Tracks: The Tubular Bells (Part 3; Excerpt)/ Tubular (Demo Bit 1)/ Tubular (Demo Bit 2)/ Some Gaelic Tunes - A Duett/ Don Alfonso/ Don Alfonso (German version).

MIKE OLDFIELD - RING THE SECOND BELLS bzw. MOONSHINE BELL (live in Brussels, Belgium - March 29th 1993) (Bootleg):
Sentinel (Live)/ Dark Star (Live)/ Clear Light (Live)/ Blue Saloon (Live)/ Sunjammer (Live)/ Red Dawn (Live)/ The Bell (Live)/ Weightless (Live)/ The Great Plain (Live)/ Sunset Door (Live)/
Tattoo (Live)/ Altered State (Live)/ Maya Gold (Live)/ Moonshine (Live).

In Dulci Jubilo [Cover Version]/ Wonderful Land/ Portsmouth/ Vivaldi Concerto In C.


nur 1 Lied: "Sentinel" (Live).

THE SONGS OF DISTANT EARTH (LP, CD & German MC°) (° Warner Music UK Ltd / WEA / Warner Music MFG Europe | WE491 / 4509-98581-4):

In The Beginning/ Let There Be Light/ Supernova/ Magellan/ First Landing/ Oceania/ Only Time Will Tell/ Prayer For The Earth/ Lament For Atlantis // The Chamber/ Hibernaculum/ Tubular World/ The Shining Ones/ Crystal Clear/ The Sunken Forest/ Ascension/ A New Beginning.

Let There Be Light (BT's Pure Luminescence Remix) // Let There Be Light (The Ultraviolet Mix)/ Let There Be Light (Hardfloor Remix) / Let There Be Light (Hardfloor Dub) // Let There Be #Light (BT's Entropic Dub) (12'' Single).
#Let There Be Light (BT's Pure Luminescence Remix) // Let There Be Light (The Ultraviolet Mix) (Edit)/ Let There Be Light (Hardfloor Remix) / Let There Be Light (Hardfloor Dub) // Let There Be Light (BT's Entropic Dub) (12'' Single).
#Let There Be Light (BT's Pure Luminescence Remix) // Let There Be Light (Hardfloor Remix) / Let There Be Light (Hardfloor Dub) (12'' Single).
# Let There Be Light: Album Version ??/ Hardfloor  Remix/ Hardfloor Dub/ BT's Pure Luminescence Remix [CD1] (Maxi-CD im Slimline Jewel Case)
Let There Be Light/ Indian Lake/ BT's Enthropic Dub [CD2] (Maxi-CD; Holographic Effect Sleeve In Gatefold)
#Let There Be Light (BT's Pure Luminescence Remix) // Let There Be Light (BT's Entropic Dub) (12'' Single).
#Let There Be Light (Album Version) (12" - Promo- Single mit gold. Promo-Eindruck am Cover).
Hibernaculum (Album Version) (UK Promo CD With Unique Sleeve).
Hibernaculum/ Moonshine (Festive Mix)/ Moonshine (Solution Hoedown Mix)/ Moonshine (Jungle Mix Featuring Rankin' Sean & Peter Lee) [CD1] (UK Maxi-CD mit Hologramm auf dem Cover und Platz im Jewel Case für CD2).
Hibernaculum/ The Spectral Army/ The Song Of The Boat Men [CD2] (UK Maxi-CD).].

Identisch mit vorangehender Liste & CD - Rom - Track (=> nur für Apple Macintosh!!).

THE SONGS OF DISTANT EARTH (UK-  17 Track - Promo- Album in unique sleeve):

In The Beginning/ Let There Be Light/ Supernova/ Magellan/ First Landing/ Oceania/ Only Time Will Tell/ Prayer For The Earth/ Lament For Atlantis/ The Chamber/ Hibernaculum/ Tubular World/ The Shining Ones/ Crystal Clear/ The Sunken Forest/ Ascension/ A New Beginning.


Variations On A Rhythm Of Mike Oldfield (David Bedford) // from Tom Newman's album "Fine Old Tom":  Superman (Demo) (Tom Newman)/ Day Of The Percherons (Demo) (Tom Newman)/ Lord, Have Mercy On My Eyes (Tom Newman).

[=> David Bedford's avant-garde composition, based on the bass line from the end of Tubular Bells Part One. It was recorded in 1973, but the tape went missing, to be re-discovered over 20 years later].


The Song Of The Sun [Cover Version]/ Celtic Rain/ The Hero/ Women Of Ireland/ The Voyager/ She Moves Through The Fair/ Dark Island/ Wild Goose Flaps Its Wings/ Flowers Of The Forest/ Mont St. Michel.

Women Of Ireland (Extended Club Mix) // Women Of Ireland (Lurker Mix) (12'' Promo).
Women Of Ireland (Radio Edit)/ Women Of Ireland (12" Lurker Mix; 9.10)/ Women Of Ireland (Transient Mix; 9.38) (German 3 Track In Unique Sleeve Jewel Case)
# Women Of Ireland (Radio Edit; 3:37) (German Promo only - 1 Track; Jewel  Case with no artwork or p/s).
# Women Of Ireland (12" Lurker Mix) / Women Of Ireland (Transient Mix) (12'' Promo).
# Women Of Ireland (System 7 Mix) / Women Of Ireland (Extended Mix) / Women Of Ireland (Lurker Mix) (12'' Single).
# Women Of Ireland (System 7 12" Mix) // Women Of Ireland (12" Lurker Mix) / Women Of Ireland (Lurker Edit) (12'' Single)
# Women Of Ireland (Lurker Edit)/ Women Of Ireland (Album Version)/ Mike’s Reel // Interaktiver CD-Rom-Teil: Women Of Ireland (Videoclip)/ Biografie/ Bildergalerie/ Discografie (Maxi-CD)]

THE ESSENTIAL MIKE OLDFIELD (Compilation zum 25jährigen Jubiläum v. "Tubular Bells"):

Tubular Bells (Excerpt) (4:16)/ Hergest Ridge (Excerpt) (4:54)/ Ommadawn (Excerpt) (6:57)/ Incantations (Excerpt) (4:38)/ Moonlight Shadow (Gesang: Maggie Reilly) (Album Version)/ Portsmouth (2:00)/ Good News (from "The Killing Fields") (Album Version)/ Sentinel (Tubular Bells II) (Remix) (3:56)/ The Bell (Remix - MC Viv Stanshall) (3:06)/ Let There Be Light (Album Version)/ Only Time Will Tell (Album Version)/ The Voyager (Album Version)/ Women Of Ireland (Album Version)/ Tubular Bells III (Excerpt from forthcoming album) (3:40).

TUBULAR BELLS III (LP) (Warner Music Ltd. / Oldfield Music Ltd. (UK) / Oldfield Music Overseas Ltd. (restl. Welt) | 3984243492 / WE852):

The Source Of Secrets (Vocals: Amar) (5:34)*/ The Wishful Eye (2:09)*/ Jewel In The Crown (Vocals: Amar) (5:45)*/ Outcast (3:49)*/ Serpent Dream (2:53)*/ The Inner Child (Vocals: Rosa Cedrón) (4:41)/ Man In The Rain (Vocals: Cara; add. vocals: Heather Burnett) (4:01)/ The Top Of The Morning (4:26)*/ Moonwatch (4:25)*/ Secrets (Vocals: Amar) (3:20)*/ Far Above The Clouds (Vocals: Clodagh Symonds & Francesca Robertson) (5:30)*

[* => Crossfading zwischen den Cuts 1-5; 8&9; 10&11!!]

Man In The Rain (feat. Cara on vocals) (Album Version; 4:01)/ Serpent Dream (Live @ Horse Guards Parade; 04/09/98) (3:00)/ The Inner Child (feat. Rosa Cedrón on vocals) (Live @ Horse Guards Parade; 04/09/98) (4:39) (UK- Maxi - CD) (Warner Music UK Ltd. / Oldfield Music Ltd. | WEA194CD / 3984251842 // WE 739 (France)).
# Man In The Rain (1 Track - Promo-CD in P/S Slimline Jewel Case).
# Far Above The Clouds (Jam And Spoon Mix / Timewriter's Big Bag Of Secrets / Jam And Spoon Deep Inside The Club Mix / Jam And Spoon Far Below The Bass Mix) (12'' Promo).
# Far Above The Clouds (Jam & Spoon Mix / Timewriter's Big Bag Of Secrets) (12'' Single).
# Far Above The Clouds (Jam & Spoon Mix / Timewriter's Big Bag Of Secrets Mix / Jam & Spoon Deep Inside The Club Mix / Jam & Spoon Far Below The Bass Mix) (12'' Single).
Far Above The Clouds (Mixes By Timewriter & Jam & Spoon): Timewriter's Radio Mix (3:38)/ Jam & Spoon Mix (9:55)/ Original Version (4:48) [CD1] (UK Maxi-CD).
Far Above The Clouds:  Jam & Spoon - Deep Inside The Club Mix/ Timewriter's Big Bag Of Secrets/ Jam & Spoon - Far Below The Bass Edit [CD2] (UK Maxi-CD)].


Tubular Bells (Part 1)/ Tubular Bells (Part 2) (= im Digi-Book).


nur 1 Lied: "Tubular X" (3:56) [Cover Version; = "X-Files - Theme" written by Mark Snow, performed and arranged - in the style of "Tubular Bells" - by Mike Oldfield]

GUITARS (LP) (erschienen am ??.??. 1999) (Warner Music UK Ltd. / Oldfield Music Ltd. for the UK and Oldfield Music Overseas Ltd. for the world outside the UK | 3984274012 / WE852):

Muse (2:10)°/ Cochise (5:14)°/ Embers (3:49)/ Summit Day (3:44)°/ Out Of Sight (3:46)/ B. Blues (4:27)/ Four Winds (9:29)°/ Enigmatism (3:29)/ Out Of Mind (3:43)°/ From The Ashes (2:27)°

[° => FALSCHE Zeitangabe in den LinerNotes!!]
Cochise (Album Version; 5:14) (Spanische Promo-Maxi-CD)
Out Of Mind (Album Version; 3:43) (Spanische Promo-Maxi-CD)].


Peace On Earth/ Pacha Mama/ Santa Maria/ Sunlight Shining Through Cloud/ The Doge's Palace/ Lake Constance/ Mastermind/ Broad Sunlit Uplands/ Liberation/ Amber Light/ The Millennium Bell.


Faerie Symphony (Part 1 - 13)/ Sad Sing/ Excerpt from "Stonehenge"/ Will You Be Mine in The Morning?/ Excerpt From "Concierto de Mango in E Minor"/ Day Of The Percherons (Demo Version)/ The Soujourn To The Dun Of Cullan The Smith/ The Courting Of Emer/ Superma (Demo Version)/ Cycle For Moving Dunes/ Sad Sing (Live German Version).

EAMS (Vol.11) (Compilation):

nur 1 Lied: "Pictures In The Dark" (Maxi-Version) (5:57) [=> = "Long Version" v. d.  gleichnamigen Single v. 1984!!; auch auf der Compilation "Traum Oldies (Vol.3)" (2001) zu finden!!]

LIVE IN BERLIN (Roger Chapman):

nur 1 Lied: "Shadow On The Wall" (Live; 8:03)

IN MY OWN TIME (LIVE) (Roger Chapman & The Shortlist) [=> = Doppel-CD mit div. Live-Aufnahmen]:

nur 1 Lied: "Shadow On The Wall (interpolating "Short List" written by the Shortlist)" (Live; 5:11) [wo??]



MIKE OLDFIELD - THEN AND NOW (7/25/99, Spodek, Katowice) (Bootleg):
CD 1:  In The Beginning - Let There Be Light [7:04]/ Supernova [3:13]/ Crystal Clear [5:41]/ Shadow On The Wall [5:15]/ Ommadawn (Part 1) [11:03]/ Cochise [5:31]/ Embers [4:12]/ Summit Day [5:08]/ Muse [2:34]/ The Source Of Secrets [1:11]  // CD 2: The Source Of Secrets [5:59]/ The Watchful Eye [2:04]/ Jewel In The Crown [5:44]/ Outcast [3:51]/ Serpent Dream [2:58]/ The Inner Child [4:13]/ Secrets [3:46]/ Far Above The Clouds [4:45]/ Moonlight Shadow [5:39]/ Family Man [5:34]/ Secrets -  Far Above The Clouds [7:35].

Tubular Bells (Part 19 (Live)/ Tubular Demo Bit (Part 1)/ Tubular Demo Bit (Part 2)/ Don Alfonso/ Tubular Bells (Part 2) (Live)/ The Sailor's Hornpipe (Live)/ Tubular Bells (Part 3) (Live)/ Some Gaelic Tunes - A Duet (Live)/ Don Alfonso (German Version).

Froggy Went A-Courting (UK-Version)/ Wrekorder Wrondo/ The Orchestral Hergest Ridge (Part One) (Live)/ Blue Peter (Dutch Mix)/ Five Miles Out (First Mix)/ Adlib Track/ Extract From The Orchestral Tubular Bells (incl. The Sailor's Hornpipe) (Live)/ The Bell (Spanish Version)/ Orabidoo (Live)/ When The Nights On Fire (Rough Mix)/ Innocent (Acoustic Version)/ Medley: Taurus 3-Amarok-Bits (Acoustic Version)/ Moonlight Shadow (Acoustic Version)/ Tubular Bells II (Unplugged)/ QE2-Portsmouth (Live).

Sentinel (Live)/ Dark Star (Live)/ Clear Light (Live)/ Blue Saloon (Live)/ Sunjammer (Live)/ Red Dawn (Live)/ The Bell (Live)/ Finale (Live)/ Weightless (Live)/ The Great Plain (Live)/ Sunset Door (Live)/ Tattoo (Live)/ Altered State (Live)/ Maya Gold (Live)/ Moonshine (Live) // Tubular Bells (Demo from Nick Campbell Show 1989)/ Tom Newman: Dance Of The Daonhe Sidhe/ Passed You By.

?? (Bootleg - Sampler):
Sentinel/ Shadow On The Wall/ Women Of Ireland/ Moonlight Shadow/ Foreign Affair/ The Song Of The Sun/ Tubular World/ Tubular Bells/ Family Man/ The Great Plain/ Dark Island/ Ascension/ To France/ Islands/ Heaven's Open/ Dark Star.

LIVE IN BUDAPEST (18.06.1999) (Bootleg):
In The Beginning (Live)/ Let There Be Light (Live)/ Crystal Clear (Live)/ Shadow On The Wall (Live)/ Ommadawn (Part 1) (Live)/ Embers (Live)/ Summit Day (Live)/ The Source Of Secrets (Live)/ The Watchful Eye (Live)/ Jewel In The Crown (Live)/ Outcast (Live)/ Serpent Dream (Live)/ The Inner Child (Live)/ Secrets (Live)/ Far Above The Clouds (Live)/ Moonlight Shadow (Live).

Tubular Bells (Part 1) (Live)/ Tubular Demo Bit (Part 1)/ Tubular Demo Bit (Part 2) // Don Alfonso/ Tubular Bells (Part 2)/ The Sailor's Hornpipe (Live)/ Guilty (Live)/ Fanny Planxty Power/
Don Alfonso (German Version).

MIKE OLDFIELD - LIVE IN PARIS (12/7/99) (Bootleg):


MIKE OLDFIELD -  LIVE IN VIAREGGIO (Recorded live at Bussoladomani, Viareggio, on September 8th, 1984) (Bootleg):
CD 1: Airborne/ Charleston/ North Star-Platinum Finale/ Tubular Bells (part 2)/ In High Places/ Foreign Affair/ Mount Teide/ Taurus I & II/ The Lake/ Crises // CD 2: Five Miles Out/ To France/ Poison Arrows/ Crystal Gazing/ Tricks Of The Light/ Discovery/ Talk About Your Life/ Saved By A Bell/ Moonlight Shadow/ Taurus III/ Shadow On The Wall.

WHO'S NEXT -  LIVE IN COLOGNE (Recorded live at Sporthalle, Cologne, on November 2nd, 1982) (Bootleg):
CD 1: Tubular Bells (Part 1)/ Airborne/ Platinum/ Conflict/ Ommadawn (Part 1) // CD 2:  Sheba/ Mirage/ Family Man/ Taurus II/ Mount Teide/ Five Miles Out.

ADVENTURE IN HANNOVER (Recorded live at Eilenriedhalle, Hannover, on April 2nd, 1981) (Bootleg):
CD 1: Taurus I/ Sheba/ Mirage/ Platinum (Part 1 - Part 4) Airborne/ Tubular Bells (Excerpt from Part 2)/ The Sailor's Hornpipe/ Conflict // CD 2: Ommadawn (Part 1)/  Tubular Bells (Part 1 edited)/ QE2/ Portsmouth/ Punkadiddle.


Tubular Bells I - Part 1 (3 Original Edits, 1 Orchestral-Edit, "The Sailor's Hornpipe" & 1 Exposed-Edit)/ Tubular Bells I - Part 2 ("The Caveman", Exposed-Edit)/  Tubular Bells II ("Sentinel", "The Bell)/ The Millennium Bell/ Tubular Bells III ("Far Above The Clouds")/ Tubular Bells I - Part 2 ("Sailor's Hornpipe").


Tubular Bells, Pt. 4/ Taurus/ Guilty/ Jewel in the Crown/ Funkie Tubular Bells/ Moonlight Shadow [Unplugged Version]/ High Place/ Get to France/ Moonlight Shadow [Dance Version]/ Blue Incantations / Five Miles Out/ Red Incantations/ Tubular Countdown.

MIKE OLDFIELD - THE COLLECTION (Doppel-CD; Best Of - erschienen am 26. Februar 2001):

CD1: Moonlight Shadow/ To France/ Five Miles Out/ Shadow on the Wall (Extended Version)/ Foreign Affair/ Sentinel/ Family Man/ Heaven's Open/ Pictures In The Dark/ Innocent/ Islands/ Incantations (Part Four Excerpt) 04:38 // CD2: Tubular Bells (Opening Theme)/ Etude/ Ommadawn (Excerpt)/ In Dulci Jubilo [Cover Version]/ Good News/ Pran's Theme 1 & 2/ Pran's Departure/ Hergest Ridge (Part One)/ Portsmouth.

TR3S LUNAS (LP) (anfangs Juni als Einzel-CD oder Special-Edition-Doppel-CD erschienen):

CD 1: Misty/ No Mans Land/ Return To The Origin/ Landfall/ Viper/ Turtle Island/ To Be Free/ Fire Fly/ Tr3s Lunas/ Daydream/ Thou Art In Heaven/ Sirius/ No Mans Land (Reprise)// Bonus-Track: To Be Free (Radio Edit)// CD 2: Free Demo v. "Music Virtual Reality - 3D Interactive PC Game" (MVR).

To Be Free: Album Version/ Pumpin' Dolls Radio Friendly Edit/ Soultronik Mix-tical Radio Edit/ Soultronik Hard Floor Cibervetido Radio Edit (Maxi-CD).
To Be Free - The Remixes: Single Version (3:57)/ Pumpin' Dolls To The Top Club Mix (9:26)/ Pumpin' Dolls Argento Dub Mix (8:07)/ Soultronik Hard Floor Cibervetido Mix (7:00)/ Soultronik Mix-tical Mix (5:04) (Spanish Maxi-CD) (Warner Music Spain, S.A. | 0927467752).
To Be Free (Radio Edit)/ To Be Free (Album Version) (Limited Promo Only 2 Track CD).
Thou Art In Heaven - The Remixes (Radio Edit &  Pumpin Dolls vs. Mighty Mike Club Mix - Radio Edit &  Soultronic Stephoscope - Radio Edit & Pumpin Dolls vs. Mighty Mike Club Mix & Soultronic Stethoscope Mix)/ To Be Free (Spanish Version - Radio Edit & French Version - Radio Edit & German Version - Radio Edit) (Spanische Maxi-CD bzw. German Withdrawn 8 Track Remix CD Single).].

CHILDREN OF THE SUN (Sallyangie => Mike & Sally Oldfield; = Neuauflage der gemeinsamen Platte von Sally und Mike von 1969 & Bonus-Tracks; im August 2002 erschienen; 2er CD):

Strangers/ Lady Mary/ Children of the Sun/ A Lover for all Seasons/ River Song/ Banquet on the Water/ Balloons/ Midsummer Night's Happening/ Love in Ice Crystals/ Changing Colours/ Chameleon/ Milk Bottle/ The Murder of the Children of San Francisco/ Twilight/ Song of the Healer/ Stranglers // Bonus Tracks: Children of the Sun (Minus Intro) (Bonus & previuosly Unissued)/ Mrs. Moon and the Thatched Shop (Guitar Improvisition)/ Branches (Guitar Improvisition)/ A Sad Song for Rosie (Guitar Improvisition)/ Colour of the World/ Two Ships.

TUBULAR BELLS 2003 (LP) (= "New Recording" => anläßlich von 30 Jahre "Tubular Bells" - am 26. Mai 2003 erschienen; Europa & Kanada):

Part One: Introduction/ Fast Guitars/ Basses/ Latin/ A Minor Tune/ Blues/ Thrash/ Jazz/ Ghost Bells/ Russian/ Finale // Part Two: Harmonics/ Peace/ Bagpipe Guitars/ Caveman/ Ambient Guitars/ Hornpipe // CD Rom Part [??] (Gesamtzeit: 48:33 min).


Part One: Introduction/ Fast Guitars/ Basses/ Latin/ A Minor Tune/ Blues/ Thrash/ Jazz/ Ghost Bells/ Russian/ Finale // Part Two: Harmonics/ Peace/ Bagpipe Guitars/ Caveman/ Ambient Guitars/  Hornpipe.

TUBULAR BELLS 2003 (Limited Edition; CD + DVD):
= vorangehende Tracklist & Bonus-DVD (siehe unten!).

= "Tubular Bells II" & "Tubular Bells III" & "Tubular Bells 2003" & Bonus DVD: Introduction (5.1 Mix)/ Fast Guitars (5.1 Mix)/ Basses (5.1 Mix)/ Introduction 2003 "The Video" (5.1 Mix).

ABBA FOREVER (Doppel-CD; Tribute-Sampler; am 8. April 2004 erschienen):

nur 1 Lied: Mike Oldfield: "Arrival" [Cover Version].

LIGHT - SHADE [Doppel-CD-Studio-Album; am 7. Oktober 2005 erschienen] (Mercury | 9873810):

CD1 ("Light"): Angelique (4:40)/ Blackbird (4:39)/ The Gate (4:14)/ First Steps (10:03)/ Closer (2:49)/ Our Father (6:50)/ Rocky (3:17)/ Sunset (4:41)/ Quicksilver/ Our Father/ Slipstream/ Angelique // CD2 ("Shade"): Quicksilver (5:54)/ Resolution (4:32)/ Slipstream (5:15)/ Surfing (5:37)/ Tears Of An Angel (5:37)/ Romance (4:00)/ Ringscape (4:20)/ Nightshade (feat. Christopher von Deylen/Schiller) (5:43).

THE PLATINUM COLLECTION [3-CD-Boxset] (erschienen am 10. März 2006) (Virgin UK / EMI):

CD1: Tubular Bells (Opening Theme)/ Tubular Bells (Excerpt)/ Sailor's Hornpipe/ Hergest Ridge (Excerpt)/ Ommadawn (Excerpt)/ Ommadawn (Excerpt)/ In Dulci Jubilo [Cover Version]/ Don Alfonso/ Portsmouth/ William Tell Overture [Cover Version]/ Cuckoo Song/ Incantations (Part 4 Excerpt)/ Platinum (Part 4)/ Woodhenge // CD2: Moonlight Shadow (Extended Version)/ Blue Peter [Cover Version]/ Guilty (Long Version)/ Arrival [Cover Version]/ Wonderful Land [Cover Version]/ Sheba/ Five Miles Out/ Family Man/ Mistake/ Shadow On the Wall (Extended Version)/ Foreign Affair/ In High Places/ Crime of Passion/ Tricks of the Light/ To France (Extended Version)/ Etude [Cover Version]/ Evacuation // CD3: Sentinel/ Pictures in the Dark/ Shine (Extended Version)/ Islands (12" Mix)/ Flying Start (12" Version)/ The Time Has Come (12" Version)/ Innocent (12" Mix)/ Earth Moving (Club Version)/ Amarok (Excerpt)/ Heaven's Open (12" Version)/ Hibernaculum/ Women of Ireland/ Far Above the Clouds/ The Millennium Bell/ To Be Free.

NIGHT OF THE PROMS 2006 [= Live-Album mit Orchesterbegleitung] (erschienen am 1. Dezember 2006 in Deutschland) (Sony BMG Music Entertainment Germy / RCA / Catalyst / Nokia | 82876 88924 2):

nur 4 Lieder: Orchestra Il Novecento & Choir "Fine Fleur": " Overture 'NOTP 2006 Deutschland' " (Live; 4:44)° // Mike Oldfield: "Ommadawn" (Live; 5:07)°°/ Mike Oldfield & John Miles: "Shadow On The Wall" (Live; 4:27)°°° & "Tubular Bells" (Live; 7:41)°°°

[° => inkl. "Shadow On The Wall" || °° LineUp: Mike Oldfield: guitars / Patrick de Smet: percussion / Orchestra "Il Novecento" / Choir "Fine Fleur" / Robert Groslot: Conductor || °°° LineUp: Mike Oldfield: guitars / John Miles: vocals / Orchestra "Il Novecento" / Choir "Fine Fleur" / Robert Groslot: Conductor / John Miles: keys, guitars / Laurie Wisefield: guitars / Aidan Lawrence: b / Trevor Murrell: drums || Franck van der Heijden, Dominique Vanhaegenberg & Geert Keysers: Arrangements || = Querschnitt eines 3stündigen Konzerts; recorded live in Antwerp (October, November 2006)].

BACK TO MINE - RÖYKSOPP [= Mix-CD aus der gleichnamigen Reihe] (erschienen am 30. März 2007) (DMC / Vertrieb: Rough Trade):

nur 2 Lieder: Mike Oldfield: "Platinum (Part Three - Charleston)" & Emmanuel Splice (= Röyksopp): "Meatball"*.

[* = ein Song von Röyksopp als Bastard-Pop-Version mit Mike Oldfields "Platinum (Part Three)"!!].

MY ROCK FAVOURITES (Nanne) [CD bzw. Download (iTunes)] (erschienen am 23. November 2011 - Sweden only!!) (Lionheart International | LHICD0137):

nur 1 Lied: "Shadow On The Wall" (3:19) [Mike Oldfield - Cover Version]°

[° => LineUp: Nanne Grönvall: vocals || Tobbe Stener: guitar / Nalle Påhlsson: bass / Perra Johansson: drums / Peter Grönvall: synthesizer].

ISLES OF WONDER - MUSIC FOR THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC GAMES (Doppel-CD bzw. iTunes - Download) [erschienen am 28. Juli 2012 (CD - US & iTunes)°, 2. August 2012 (CD - UK)° bzw. 14. August 2012 (CD - Deutschland)°°] (° Decca Music Group Limited) (°° Universal):

nur 1 Lied:  Mike Oldfield: "Tubular Bells - In Dulci Jubilo" (11:20)

[=> = (neuaufgenommenes) "Tubular Bells" - Medley, das in "In Dulci Jubilo" übergeht!!].

TUBULAR BEATS (Mike Oldfield / Torsten "YORK" Stenzel) [= Remixalbum mit 1 NEUEM Song°] (CD* bzw. Download) (erschienen am 1. Februar 2013 - Deutschland only!!) (* Edel Germany GmbH / earMUSIC | 0208484ERE):

Let There Be Light (York Remix) (7:32)/ Far Above The Clouds (York Remix) (Vocals: Jamie Stenzel) (7:23)/ Ommadawn (Mike Oldfield & York Remix) (10:13)/ Guilty (Mike Oldfield & York Remix) (7:53)/ Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield & York Remix) (10:37)/ To France (York & Steve Brian Radio Mix) (Vocals: Odessa) (3:33)/ Northstar (Mike Oldfield & York Remix) (4:05)/ Moonlight Shadow (York & Steve Brian Radio Mix) (Vocals: Odessa) (3:30)/ Guilty (York & Mike's Electrofunkremix) (4:49)/ Tubular Bells 2 (Mike Oldfield & York Remix) (7:52)/ Never Too Far (Vocals: Tarja Turunen) (8:44)°.

RETURN TO OMMADAWN [CD (im JewelCase), LP & Download] (erschienen am 20. Jänner 2017) (Mercury Records Limited / Universal International Music B.V. / Vergin EMI Records | xx):

Return To Ommadawn (Part 1) (21:06)*/ Return To Ommadawn (Part 2) (20:54)*

RETURN TO OMMADAWN ["Limited Edition" CD/DVD-Set (im DigiPak)] (Mercury Records Limited / Universal International Music B.V. / Vergin EMI Records | CDVX 3166):

CD: Return To Ommadawn (Part 1) (21:06)*/ Return To Ommadawn (Part 2) (20:54)*

DVD (5.1. Surround Sound and Stereo Mixes by Mike Oldfield°): Return To Ommadawn (Part 1) (21:06)*/ Return To Ommadawn (Part 2) (20:54)*

[* => falsche Zeitangabe am BackCover!! || ° => als "DTS 5.1 Surround", "Dolby AC 3 5.1. Surround" & "24/48 Stereo LPCM"].

VIDEOS (VHS/ DVD) - Official & Promos:


The Wind Chimes (Part 1 & 2)/ North Point/ Islands (Gesang: Bonnie Tyler)/ The Time Has Come/ Flying Start/ Magic Touch (Gesang: Mike Oldfield) // Promo-Videos: Five Miles Out/ Moonlight Shadow/ Shine/ Shadow On The Wall/ Pictures In The Dark.

TUBULAR BELLS II (The Performance - Live at Edinburgh Castle) (VHS):
Sentinel/ Dark Star/ Clear Light/ Blue Saloon/ Sunjammer/ Red Dawn/ The Bell/ Weightless/ The Great Plain/ Sunset Door/ Tatoo/ Altered State/ Maya Gold/ Moonshine/ Reprise.


TUBULAR BELLS III (Premier Live Performance London) (VHS):
Introduction/ The Source Of The Secrets/ The Watchful Eye/ Jewel in the Crown/ Outcast/ Serpent Dream/ The Inner Child/ Man in the Rain/ The Top of the Morning/ Moonwatch/ Secrets/ Far Above the Clouds/ Secrets - Reprise/ Far Above The Clouds - Reprise.

TUBULAR BELLS II (Premier Live Performance Edinburgh) & TUBULAR BELLS III (Premier Live Performance London) (DVD - Boxset => siehe: VHS's von 1992 & 1998!) (Oldfield Music Ltd. / Warner Music UK Ltd. | 3984-27243-2):

Side 1 (Tubular Bells II): Introduction/ Sentimental [hic!]/ Dark Star/ Clear Light/ Blue Saloon/ Sunjammer/ Red Dawn/ The Bell/ Weightless/ The Great Plain/ Sunset Door/ Tatoo/ Altered State/ Maya Gold/ Moonshine/ Reprise // Side 2 (Tubular Bells III): Introduction/ The Source Of The Secrets/ The Watchful Eye/ Jewel in the Crown/ Outcast/ Serpent Dream/ The Inner Child/ Man in the Rain/ The Top of the Morning/ Moonwatch/ Secrets/ Far Above the Clouds/ Secrets - Reprise/ Far Above The Clouds - Reprise.

THE MILLENNIUM BELL - LIVE IN BERLIN [VHS (UK, US & Europa) bzw. DVD (UK, US, Europa & in Japan mit Obi-Strip)]:

Classic Songs: Tubular Bell/ Portsmouth/ Moonlight Shadow/ Secrets/ Shadow On The Wall // Millennium Bell: Sunlight/ The Doge's Palace/ Mastermind/ Broad Sunlit Uplands/ Liberation/ Amber Light/ The Millennium Bell // Special: Art In Heaven/ Interview with Mike Oldfield & Making Of "The Millennium Bell" (80 min.).

THE ESSENTIAL LIVE (Bootleg-Video CD) [=> auch als Audio-Bootleg-CD erschienen!!]:
Beginning/ Interview (Part I)/ Guilty/ Interview (Part II)/ Tubular Bells (Part 1)/ Interview (Part III)/ Tubular Bells (including The Sailor's Hornpipe) (Part 2)/ Interview (Part IV)/ Ommadawn (Part 1)/ End Credits [=> Recorded live at Knebworth Festival, on July 21st, 1980].

WARNER VISION INTERNATIONAL DVD-VIDEO COLLECTION (Promo-DVD) [=> feat. excerpts from varoius DVD-releases eg. for continuous-loop in stores] (WEA International Inc. | 2564 60053-2):

DVD-Excerpts (available in Dolby Digital, DTS 5.1 Surround or as Audio-Track only): Barenaked Ladies: One Week (from "Barenaked Ladies")/ Cher: Believe (from "Live In Concert")/ Mike Oldfield: The Millennium Bell (Finale) (from "The Millennium Bell - Live In Berlin")/ Eric Clapton: Layla (from "Live In Hyde Park")/ Frank Sinatra: "A Life In Performance" - Trailer/ The Corrs: Breathless (from "Live In London")/ Dream Theater: Overture 1928 (from "Metropolis 2000")/ New Order: Blue Monday (from "New Order 5 11 - Finsbury Park")/ Missy Elliott: Get Ur Freak On (from "The Hits Of Miss E - The Videos")/ A-ha: Minor Earth Major Sky (from: "Homecoming - Live at Valhall")/ Madonna: Music (from: "Drowned World Tour 2001") // DVD-Extras: Subtitles for selected songs (55 min.).

=> "THE MILLENNIUM BELL - LIVE IN BERLIN"/ "TUBULAR BELLS II (Premier Live Performance Edinburgh) & TUBULAR BELLS III (Premier Live Performance London)/ "TUBULAR BELLS 2003" (Audio-DVD) als 3er DVD- Box wiederöfentlicht.

ELEMENTS - THE BEST OF MIKE OLDFIELD (THE VIRGIN YEARS) (DVD) (erschienen am 29. November 2004) (Virgin Records / EMI Records Ltd. | MIKEDVD1 / 7243 5 99989 9 2 / PM 807 / EDV 140) [alle Videoclips: digital remastered!!]:

Tubular Bells (Part 1) - Live (TV Performance from the BBC's "2nd House", 1976) (24:58) // Videoclips: Don Alfonso [Cover Version]/ In Dulci Jubilo [Cover Version]*/ Portsmouth/ William Tell Overture [Cover Version]*/ Guilty/ Blue Peter [Cover Version]**/ Wonderful Land [Cover Version]/ Five Miles Out/ Moonlight Shadow/ Shadow On The Wall/ Crime Of Passion/ Trick Of The Light/ To France/ Etude [Cover Version]*/ Pictures In The Dark/ Shine/ Innocent/ Earth Moving/ Heaven's Open (Dauer gesamt: 94:04) || Extras: The Space Movie (= Incantations, Part 1) (17:16) // The Wind Chimes (The Wind Chimes, Part 1+2/ North Point/ Islands/ The Time Has Come/ Flying Start/ Magic Touch) (Dauer gesamt: 41:12)/ Mike Oldfield Interview (from the early nineties) (13:24)

[* => Mike Oldfield wird in den LinerNotes als Co-Autor angegeben!! || ** => Mike Oldfield wird in den LinerNotes fälschlicherweise als Autor angegeben!!].

EXPOSED (Doppel-Live-DVD) (erschienen am 28. Oktober 2005) [=> siehe auch: "Exposed"-LP von 1978!!] :

DVD 1: Intro/ Incantations (Pt. 1 & 2)/ Incantations (Pt. 3 & 4)/ Intermission // DVD 2: Tubular Bells (Pt. 1)/ Guilty/ Tubular Bells (Pt. 2)/ Encore.

LIVE AT MONTREUX 1981 [erschienen am 15. Mai 2006 in UK, am 16. Mai 2006 in den USA und am 26. Mai 2006 im restl. Europa; auch als "Limited Edition" (mit zusätzl. "Free Bonus-Sampler") am 28. August 2006 erschienen] (Eagle Vision | EREDV565):

Intro // "QE2 Medley": Taurus 1 - Sheba - Mirage // Platinum (Parts 1-4)/ Tubular Bells (Part 2) // Medley: Conflict - Ommadawn // Tubular Bells (Part 1)/ Punkadiddle (Dauer der DVD: 105 Minuten).


# "Mistake" zu finden auf :
"Hits 4 Ever - Electro Pop".

# "Tubular Bells [Extract] zu finden auf:
"Reves" (2004)/ "Instrumental Hits Box" (1996)/ "The X-Themes" (1997)/ "History Of Horror" (2000)/ "Legends" (2002)/ "Mystic Spirits (Vol.5)" (2001)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 70's 2" (2000)/ "Hits From The Flicks" (2002)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 60's - 80's" (2001)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 70's" (2000)/ "Super Hits Of The '70s: Have A Nice Day" (1996)/ "Rock On 1974" (1997) [=> = einzelner Sampler oder als Boxset "Rock On 1970-1974"]/ "Celestial Voyagers" (1998)/ "First Generation: 25 Years Of Virgin Records" (1998)/ "The Moods Series" (1999) [=> = Sampler-Boxset]/ "Hits At Planet Earth" (2000)/ "Halloween Party" (2000)/ "Chilled Spirit" (2001)/ "The Best Album Tracks ... Ever" [=> 3CD-Sampler] (2005)/ "WDR 200 - Die besten Alben" [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler] (EMI | 50093922) (2007) [=> "Part One (Original Edit 1)"]/ "Instrumental Klassiker" [=> 2CD-Sampler] (Sony Music Austria) (2009)/ "Wondrous Stories: A Complete Introduction to Prog Rock" [4CD - Box-Set] (vö: 2. Juli 2010) (Universal) / "Wondrous Stories: 33 Artists That Shaped The Prog Rock Era" [Doppel-CD] (vö: 2. Juli 2010) (Universal)/ "Wondrous Stories: A Complete Introduction To Progressive Rock" [Doppel-CD] (vö: 8. Juni 2010) (Universal)/ "Best Of British" [3CD-Sampler im DigiPak] (2011)/ "Die Hit Giganten - Instrumental Hits" [Doppel-CD] (vö: 27. November 2009) (Sme Media / Sony Music)/ "Virgin Records: 40 Years Of Disruptions" [3CD-Boxset im Gatefold-DigiPak] (vö: 18. Oktober 2013) (Virgin / Vertrieb: Universal)/ "Losing Our Virginity - The First 4 Years '73-'77" [European* bzw. Japanese** 3CD-Sampler (im DigiPak); inkl. "Two Sides Excerpt"] (vö: **27. November 2013) (* Virgin | CDV 4001) (** Virgin | TYCP-80018) / "World Of Harmony - Symphonic Dreams" [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler; inkl 4:16-Excerpt] (1998) (Edel | 0037802ERE).

# "Celtic Rain" zu finden auf:
"Mystera 2000" (1999)/ "Mystera - Best Of" (2001).

# "Hibernaculum" zu finden auf:
"Space Night" (1995)/ "Chillout Moods - Another Green Forest" (2001)/ "Mystera" (1998) [=> wahrscheinlich als "Single Edit"] [Polystar / PolyGram GmbH, Hamburg / Warner | 555 608-2 (52)].

# "In Dulci Jubilo" [Cover Version] zu finden auf:
"40 Hits Of 1975-1979" (1998)/ "The Christmas Collection" (1995)/ "Fetenkult präsentiert: Christmas Classics" (1998)/ "Merry Christmas Ever" (1996)/ "Wonderful Christmas" (2001)/ "Wonderful Christmas Dreams" (2002)/ "Christmas Classics 2002" (2002)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 60's - 80's" (2001)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 70's" (2000)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 70's 4" (2000)/ "Bravo Rock Christmas" (1999)/ "Best Of Christmas (Vol.3)" (2000)/ "Wetten Dass...? - It's Christmas" (1994)/ "International Christmas (Vol.2)" (2000)/ "Christmas Classics - Party Aroma" (2000)/ "Christmas Classics 2005" (2005)/ "Die Ultimative Chart Show - Die beliebtesten Weihnachts-Hits aller Zeiten [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler zur "RTL"-Sendung] (vö: 18. November 2005) (Polystar/ Universal)/ "Christmas Classics 2006" (2006)/ "Now, That's What I Call Xmas!" (3CD-Sampler) (2006)/ "TV Media - X-Mas Hits" (2007)/ "Christmas Classics 2007" (VOX / Sony BMG)/ Frank Laufenberg präsentiert: SWR1 - Die größten Weihnachtshits aller Zeiten (2CD-Sampler) (2005) (EMI)./ "Best Christmas 100" (4CD-Sampler) (2005) (EMI).

# "Islands" zu finden auf:
"Kuschelrock 4" (1990)/ "The Very Best Of ..... Bonnie Tyler" (1993)/ "Best Ballads - Bonnie Tyler" (1995).

# Let There Be Light" zu finden auf:
"Mystera II" (1998)/ "Highlights Of Silent Dreams 7" (1999)/ "R&R: Rare & Remixed" (2001) [=> = "BT Mix"; welcher??].

# "Incantations (Part 4 - Excerpt)" zu finden auf:
"Chillout Moods - Tubular Bells" (2001).

# "Moonlight Shadow" zu finden auf:
"Opa-4" (1995)/ "Best Of Superstars" (1998)/ "Best Of Disco Fox - The Very Best" (1998)/ "The Golden 80's Playbacks" (1998)/ "40 Hits Of 1980-1984" (1998)/ "Hits der 80'er Jahre" (1999)/ "Super Hits Of The 80's" (1995)/ "Schlager Disco" (1996)/ "Kult 3 - Internationale Rockhits" (2002)/ "More Greatest Hits Of 80's (Vol.4)" (2000)/"Die ultimative RTL Chartshow - Die Alben" (2003) [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler]/ "Party Ab 30" (2001)/ "Big Hits" [=> DVD-Audio-Sampler] (2001)/ "Disco Night Fever" (1998)/ "Die 80er Jahre Show - Die Zweite" (2002)/ "Hey Tonight" (2002)" Disco Fox" (2001)/ "Pop Big Hits 1980-2000" (2001)/ "Big Hits 1980 - 2000: Pop" (2001)/ "Rock Classics" [=> 3er-CD-Box von Media Markt] (2000)/ "Gestern ein Hit - Heute ein Hit. The Good Vibes Never Die" (2005)/ "Super Number Ones - Die größten Nummer 1-Hits der österreichischen Charts" [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler] (2006)/ "Pearls Of Pop (Vol.1)" (Virgin) (1991)/ "Hits Of The Eighties (Vol.2)" (1995)/ "Die ultimative Chartshow - Die erfolgreichsten Singer-Songwriter aller Zeiten" [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler] (Polystar / Universal / RTL) (erschienen am 25. April 2008)/ "Rock Super Stars (Vol. 3)" [= "McDonalds"-Sampler] (1997) (Virgin Schallplatten GmbH | 724384207229 / 842072 2).

# "Mount Teide" zu finden auf:
"Galaxy (Vol.2)" (1990).

# "Jungle Gardenia" zu finden auf:
"The Ultimate Relaxation Album" (2002)/ "Chillout Moods - Rain Dance" (2001).

# "Portsmouth" zu finden auf:
"Ilja Richter Disco 76-77" (1999)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 60's - 80's" (2001)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 70's" (2000).

# "Oceania" zu finden auf:
"Ocean Men - O.S.T." (2001).

# "Pictures In The Dark" zu finden auf:
"Traum Oldies (Vol.3)" (vö: 26. November 2001) (Ganser & Hanke Media / Tonpool).

# "Platinum (Part 1)" zu finden auf:
"Chillout Moods - Another Green Forest" (2001).

# "Sentinel" zu finden auf:
"Eden" (1999) [=> 3:54-Edit]/ "Mystera III" [CD° (im JewelCase mit Kartonschuber) bzw. MC°°] (° Polystar / PolyGram GmbH, Hamburg / Warner | 564 245-2) (°° Polystar / PolyGram GmbH, Hamburg / Warner | 564 245-4) (1999)[=> "Single Restructure"; 3:57].

# "Shadow On The Wall" zu finden auf:
"Hits der 80er 2" (1994)/ "20 Jahre SWF 3" (1995)/ "Kneipen Hits - Rock Classic" (1999)/ "Summer Rock - Walking On Sunshine" (1997)/ "Rock With The Stars (Vol.1)" (2001)/ "Rock Heroes"[=> DVD-Audio-Sampler] (2001)/ "Fetenhits - Rock Classics" (1998)/ "Alltime Greatest Rock" [=> 12" Version] (2002)/ " Cruizin' " (2001)/ "Rock Big Hits 1980 - 2000" (2001)/ "The Very Best Superstars" (2000)/ "Big Hits 1980-2000: Rock" (2001)/ "Disco Total 3 - 45 Grandes Éxitos" (2001) [=> 3-CD-Sampler]/ "Silent Power" [=> auch als Teil eines 4CD-Sets namens "Rock Box"!]/ "One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer" [Doppel-CD-Sampler] (2006) (EMI)/ "Deutschland '83 (Die Musik aus der TV-Serie)" [German Doppel-CD-Sampler, 4LP-Sampler bzw. Download] (vö: 27. November 2015) (Polystar / Universal Music)/ "WDR 2 - Jukebox" [German Doppel-CD-Sampler bzw. Download] (vö: 27. September 2013) (Ganser & Hanke Media / Membran)/ "Rock Super Stars [Vol. 1]" [= "McDonalds"-Sampler] (1995) (Virgin Schallplatten GmbH | 72438405342 0 / 840534 2).

# "The Bell" zu finden auf:
"Light Age Music (Vol.3)" (1997).

# "Blue Peter" zu finden auf:
"Greatest Hits Of The 60's - 80'Ss" (2001)/ "Greatest Hits Of The 70's" (2000).

# "To France" zu finden auf:
"Disco Fox (Vol.5) International" (1997)/ "Traum Oldies (Vol.5)" (vö: 24. Februar 2003) (Perlenfischer / Ganser & Hanke).

# "Family Man" zu finden auf:
"Brilliant 80's Glittering Prizes" (2001).

# "Guilty" zu finden auf:
"Chillout Moods - Magic Forest" (2001).

# "Five Miles Out" zu finden auf:
"Wondrous Stories: A Complete Introduction to Prog Rock" [4CD - Box-Set] (vö: 2. Juli 2010) (Universal).

# "Crime Of  Passion" zu finden auf:
"Lost & Found - Ohrwürmer des Lebens" (2005).

# "Heaven's Open" zu finden auf:
"Das Beste aus Wetten Dass...?" (German MC) (1992) (Virgin Schallplatten GmbH | 413 202 / 0077778656746).

# "Jewel In The Crown" zu finden auf:
"Feelings" (2001).

# "The Voyager" zu finden auf:
"Mystera V" (2000).

# "Peace On Earth" zu finden auf:
"Sound Of The World" (2001).

# "The Inner Child" zu finden auf:
"Best Of Celtic" (2003)/ "Highlands" (2000).

# "Far Above The Clouds" zu finden auf:
"Subliminal Messages" (2001) [=> = DJ-Mix-Sampler von DJ Sublimal].

# "To Be Free" zu finden auf:
"Chill Out Winter - Session 2" (2003)/ "Bild Hits 2002 - Die Zweite" [=> Radio Edit].

# "The Tempest" zu finden auf:
"Dark Classics" [=> Doppel-CD-Sampler bzw. Download] (vö: 13. Februar 2015) (Universal Music).

& "Vinyl Virgins" (1981) [=> UK Sampler] & "Musik ist mein Leben" (??) [=> German LP-Sampler]

www.mikeoldfield.com (Official Homepage)
bzw.: www.tubular.net (dt. Fan - Page)